Sunday, June 13, 2010

Hi, my name is chunka-chunk. (Emma at 5 mos. old)

Wrestle time with daddy!

5K race day with Matthew and Caleb Harvie.
Emma with and without bows...
Emma and her brothers, Matthew eating toes is delicious and Andy trying to teach Emma to smile.

Matthew and Thomasina Janine (TJ).
Andy and Chris at T-ball end of year party.
Andy's Kindergarten Graduation: May 24, 2010.
With his teacher, Ms. Abbott.
TJ and cousins Joshua Bigelow at the boy's baseball games.

TJ's 2nd birthday party on May 19, 2010.
Boys out playing in the sprinklers in our back yard.
Andy playing catcher in full gear!
TJ and Emma playing together. Love the bow, TJ!!

Here is a tantalizing sample of photos from the month of May.
Matthew's end of year awards ceremony, baseball games, Gila Valley Temple Open House and 5 month old Emma.